The Most Efficient Lawn Irrigation Lincolnshire, IL Can Rely On

Do you have a constant wet spot in your yard? Is your sump pump always running?

These issues are usually due to improper grading, or improper drain tile installation. Our experts can help solve your lawn drainage problems.

Let Allscape Services design your next landscape drainage project.


Wet spots in your yard look bad, smell bad, make grass hard to cut, and worst of all, attract mosquitoes. It doesn't matter if you have water collecting in a specific area of your property due to rain, improper grading, or a result of your sump pump, we can design a drain tile system that will solve the problem. Learn more about how lawn irrigation in Lincolnshire, IL and the surrounding areas can benefit your property!

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  • Corrugated Drain Pipe

    A corrugated drain pipe is used to collect water from gutter downspouts, around window wells, sump pump ejection, and low spots in the yard. It's an option when seeking lawn irrigation in Lake Forest, IL and the surrounding areas.

  • French Drains

    French drains are one way to completely solve drainage problems as they move the water from the surface to a gravel-filled hole in the ground.

  • Landscape Sump Pumps

    Outdoor sump pump pits can move water from the lowest spot on the property and direct it to a desirable spot

  • Landscape Water Gardens

    Water gardens are an eco-friendly way to solve drainage issues, and some cities will even pay for you to put in a water garden. No matter what your landscaping needs are, you can count on our professional landscaping crews to give your property the care that it requires.

Serving customers in homes all over Northern Illinois.

Lawn Drainage FAQs


Why don't some cities let you tie into the stormwater system?

Many cities' stormwater systems are old and not built to handle the amount of water they deal with now and do not want to add any more. When seeking lawn irrigation in Lake Forest, IL or the surrounding areas, be sure to inquire about your specific location's regulations.

Where is the best place to move surface water to?

The best places are retention ponds or water gardens because they allow the water to filter through the ground and back to the water table instead of going into the stormwater system, which returns it to the rivers along with the lawn chemicals and other pollutants on your property.

What kind of plants should I have in my water garden?

When considering lawn irrigation in Lincolnshire, IL and the surrounding areas, here are a few to consider: Sporobolus, Panicum, Miscanthus, Purpurescens, Cornus, Sericea, Cornus, racemosa, Betula, Nigra, Acer, Rubrum, Acersaccharum, Aronia, Clethra, Eupatorium, Dicentra, Heliopsis, Ilex, glabralex, verticillata, Hostairisvers, IcolorNyssa, Hemerocallis, Polemonium, Quercus, Bicolordentatums, Viburnum, Prunolium.